LBN Social

LBN Social is a group gathering people who believe in the potential of Lublin and exploit it every day. A considerable number of topics are discussed, starting from social media and blogs to start-ups, soft skills, and hobbies.

IT School

logotyp IT School Lublin

IT School is a series of free training workshops organized twice a year (in spring and autumn) by DataArt Poland. During these training sessions, beginning IT specialists and enthusiasts improve their software development knowledge and learn new skills. Apart from interesting lectures, the participants have an exciting opportunity to attend practical classes.

Hot Meetup Lublin

Why would you be limited only to the local market? Here you can meet up entrepreneurs from other countries. Who knows what such contacts may result in? But remember, English is a must!

Czwartek Social Media (Social Media Thursday)

If you deal with social media professionally, you should mark all Thursdays in your calendar in red. You must simply not forget about the most important meetings about social media business area. You will find out what the latest trends in social media are and you will meet people who belong to the best “content” … Read more


Lublin IT Upland encourages students learning in Lublin to pursue IT career. And they are catching the bug! This decision may exert considerable influence on your life – your future career may be related to the IT sector. This event, which takes place during Lublin IT Upland Days, will provide you with insight into what … Read more

Aula Lublin (Lublin Hall)

There are a lot of people thinking about their own startups. If you want to share your ideas, there is no better place for you! If this hasn’t convinced you, maybe free pizza for everyone will do the job?

WordUp Lublin

Recently WordPress has been gaining on popularity and you should keep up with the recent trends. Barcamp can help you in this matter. You can find out whether there are any news concerning content management and you will learn the latest functions available in WordPress.  

NETSEC student research group

The object of NETSEC focuses on problems relating to administration, safety, and optimisation of computer networks based on various devices as well as on the use of networks in electrical power engineering.

.NET Group of the Lublin University of Technology

The primary focus of the group is on technologies developed by Microsoft, with whom the group closely cooperates. The group organises lectures on career in IT. It meets every Tuesday at 6:00 PM. At present, the group offers two training paths. One of them is a course, in C# programming for beginners. The second path … Read more